
Installation builder for Kylix-specific installs, version 1.0.1

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Feature/description:  version b.0.9.0

The process of installing programs made by Kylix into a Linux system can slow down the development/testing process because of the interdependence of many different shared objects on the target system. We provide the developer with tools closely integrated with Kylix to assist in the process, like: InstallMade, InstallMade Lib-checker and Resolver and the InstallMade Shared Objects and Executables Dependency Browser.

InstallMade is specifically designed to address common installation issues in installing the Kylix made program.  The InstallMade Shared Objects and Executable Dependency Browser is especially helpful at troubleshooting conditions like:  "Why does my program not run outside the IDE?",  "My Kylix program does .. segmentation fault (core dumped) on .. "  or if the program just does not run on a different computer.   We do not promise that InstallMade family tools are the panacea for everything. They especially are not a substitute for a good true understanding of the installation criteria and process of Kylix programs and Linux in general; but they often can greatly reduce hours of trial and error installation scenarios to minutes.  They are very helpful for newcomers to the Linux world, since they can aid the developer in the first encounter with Linux and Linux-Kylix installation specifics.  And for an experienced Linux user they are great time-saving tools.

InstallMade - The Installation packages builder.
InstallMade, on the basis of the data gathered from the developer and the information picked up from the project and executable files and system in general, creates an installation package which is ready to be deployed to a different Linux computer. As the result of the "educated guess" InstallMade makes on the basis of the gathered information, it creates a package as small as possible in size and content yet most likely sufficient to assure proper functioning of the binary executable on the target computer.

InstallMade - The Lib-Checker and Resolver.
Helps a user to determine which package is sufficient and/or necessary to download.  InstallMade, if directed, can create an incremental package for installation as well as a binary-LCR (lib-checker and resolver) that is aware of the specific requirements of your program.

This Lib-Checker and Resolver, when run on the destination computer (the target for installation), can determine which package to download, therefore saving a lot of time and bandwidth. InstallMade can create, for example, three incremental packages in three different sizes. The Lib-checker and resolver will advise the user which package is the most appropriate to download, with the option to download it automatically from the distribution site. This automatic mechanism can prevent redundant downloading of shared objects which sometimes add up to many megabytes. This is specially important for the users of a low bandwidth internet connection or when the user is charged by his ISP for every minute of Internet use. Furthermore, the Lib- Checker and Resolver provide a reasonable assurance that the versions and integrity of the shared objects will not affect adversely the work of the program and or the work of the user system.

InstallMade - Shared Objects and Executables Dependency Browser.  
Gives to the developer in a consistent and organized form a clear view of the system-wide shared objects interdependencies. As a result it helps with troubleshooting interdependency between many different shared objects on the system.

InstallMade is in constant development and always improving, and as a result it makes it easier for many Kylix/Linux developers to simplify installation. To sustain the development cycle and to keep up with all the constant changes in Linux development and changes in Kylix itself we have had to dedicate more resources, and for this reasons we need your support.


(1) (1) In the past, in most situations it has been necessary to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run the application from a starter script. Now, because of the way InstallMade creates the installation package there is no necessity to use the starter script, just running the binary executable by clicking on it or invoking it from the command line will be sufficient.   (However in some situations, especially for a complex application, using the starter script still can be a preferable method.)

(2)  Normally, any Kylix GUI application using the QT library requires this library, as well as other shared objects like and so on, to be present on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...;. The total size of the package can grow way above 3.4 MB.  The InstallMade Lib-checker and Resolver will help users to determine what is missing on the destination Linux system and what needs to be downloaded.  Shared objects required by the Kylix application need to be downloaded only one time, usually with the first package created by InstallMade. Any subsequent downloads (installations) may require only as little as the binary executable by itself, a very small package.  InstallMade Lib-checker and Resolver makes all the shared objects coexist peacefully on the Linux system and makes it possible to use them in the spirit of shared objects: one shared object used by many executables. Furthermore, in most circumstances it would not be necessary to run the binary from a script (a starting script), or worry about the settings of LD_LIBRARY_PATH,;; etc., etc.

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 , 2003 SuperObject Software Solutions, all rights reserved.
